Affiliated Faculty
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Erhan Eren, Prof. Dr. (Department Chair)
Information Systems
Room: A-205, Phone: 7757, Email: ereren[at]
Fields of Interest: Digital transformation, data-oriented organizations, big data, cloud computing, management information systems

Banu Günel Kılıç, Prof. Dr.
Information Systems
Room: B-220, Phone: 7866, Email: bgunel[at]
Fields of Interest: Signal processing based audio and acoustic applications (separation, denoising and localization), defense and security systems, secure software development and requirements engineering, social network analysis and applications

Özden Özcan Top, Asst. Prof. Dr.
Information Systems
Room: A-224, Phone: 3752, Email: ozdenoz[at]
Fields of Interest: agile software development, medical device software development processes, safety critical systems development, software project management, software process improvement and software measurement.